This article will define a candidate use case and how to identify use cases. It will identify the resources you can use as the source material to identify your use cases. It will also explain what...
Category: Tools and Techniques
Storyboard Business Analysis | Requirements Gathering Alongside Use Cases
In this article, I'll be discussing some other requirements gathering methods that complement use case modelling and should be used to ensure your requirements gathering goes swimmingly (see Use...
What Comes Before The Use Case Model? | Business Use Cases Can Help
This article puts use cases into context by exploring where they sit within a project. Various methods for validating them within the wider context are also discussed.It also discusses what other...
SME In Business Analysis: The Customer or Subject Matter Expert (SME) Is Always Right
At point or another a business analyst will come across a business domain subject matter expert (SME) or a SME in IT projects. The SME in business project can either be the cause of success or...
This article describes the structure of a use case in some depth and introduces other important use case concepts. For detailed use case narrative (also known as use case description) guidelines you...
Non Functional Requirements | Quick Guide for the Business Analyst in 2025
There is some dispute regarding the use of the term non functional requirements (NFRs) and whether it is the correct term. However, it is in common use and serves a recognised purpose. In this...