Best Product Management Books In 2024 |
product management books

Readers and clients frequently seek assistance from us in choosing top product management books to read.

Modern enterprises operate on the go, and product management is no exception. New methods, approaches, and principles in product management emerge constantly. The importance of staying up to speed with latest developments in the sector for a competent product manager cannot be overstated.

Staying informed with the latest product management news is easy when you read from established, reliable sources. By staying up-to-date, you can learn about new industry advancements and apply them to your work process. Furthermore, having a personal library of go-to product management books will help solidify your knowledge and come in handy during moments of doubt or brainstorming.

Though it may take some time, reading product management books is a great way to learn more about product management. Dedicating even just a few minutes each day to reading will help you make rapid progress.

One of the most effective methods to begin is by keeping an eye out for the best product management books and reading them. Roman Pichler books and Marty Cagan books spring to mind.

Reading new must read books for product managers publications as they come out, especially ones that consider new ways of working, is a good idea.

Table of Contents

Startup Mindset

Agile Patterns

Product Management Practices

Agile Ways of Working

Lean Mindset

DevOps Mindset

Strategy and Business Models

Agile Organisational Design

Product Measuring